Be an Exhibitor

Dear Agency & Ministry Representatives,


We hope you plan to participate in the nineteenth annual Missions Fest Seattle (MFS) this October 10-11, 2025 at Highlands Community Church, 3031 NE 10th St., Renton, WA. There are many exciting things planned for this action-packed weekend! You will find info on our recommended hotels about the middle of March.


Please take a few moments to carefully read this letter, as it lists specific booth application information. The early bird discount deadline ends May 31st this year. Specific booth details, fees and application deadlines are listed on the booth application form.


At this point, we are asking Ministries and Exhibitors interested in having a booth to please submit all of the following information:


1) A completed Booth Application (all application deadlines and details are on the application form). Booth size and other specifics are listed on the booth application form.
2) A signed Missions Fest Seattle Statement of Faith.
3) A signed copy of the Statement of Faith for YOUR ministry.
4) A description of YOUR ministry, telling us about your ministry.
5) A Check payable to: Missions Fest Seattle, POB 33813, Seattle, WA 98133.


If you are interested in a booth, please complete the application process as soon as possible, as they sell out quickly. We plan to have the list finalized by the end of June, and will extend a firm commitment to the ministries selected as soon thereafter as possible. Detailed booth information regarding booth assignment, set up schedules, etc., will be emailed to you in SEPTEMBER.


If you are interested in placing an AD in the program magazine, a SEPARATE application form is necessary. Please contact Randy Stime at for AD pricing and deadline information.


If you are interested in presenting a seminar workshop at MFS, a SEPARATE application must be made. Please visit our website, and click on SEMINAR applications to complete the application process online. If you have any questions, please contact Suzi Haugen, our MFS Seminar coordinator, at


We are planning to have a broad base of exhibitors represented at the conference, rather than a concentration of any particular ministry. We are hoping to have ministries who actively participate in local, national and international missions.


• We have asked the participants in the conference (exhibitors included) to help promote MFS by sending out a few emails to the people in your data base who are located in the Greater Seattle & Puget Sound area. We ask that you add to your database so we can be aware of your efforts to promote MFS. If you would like some suggestions for some content to include in those emails, let us know and we can send some suggestions.


• We also want you to know that Missions Fest Seattle provides a 4 hour mission conference for students grades 4-12 from 9:30-1:30 on Friday, October 10. If you would like to present a 35 minutes workshop for them, contact: to let them know.


• We also encourage you to use social media (Facebook, Instagram, etc.) to help spread the word about MFS.


If you need additional information or have any questions, please contact Keith Hook by E-mail at: