Helps for the Task

Read the following to understand what this page is all about.


“People overestimate what they can do in one year, underestimate what they can do in ten years, and drastically underestimate what God can do when His people pray.”


Ten years from our 2023 conference is 2033, the approximate 2000th anniversary of when Jesus gave us the Great Commission as written in Matthew 28:19-20. The theme for our November, 2023 conference was “Let’s Complete the Task – Where Do I Fit?“. We looked at what has been done, what still needs to be done, and keys to where we and our church may fit. We looked at reasons why the task has not been completed and what needs to change to enable the completion of the task. Then, beginning the week of Missions Fest, we started a new item on our website called “Helps for the Task”. It offers helps & ideas for individuals and churches to use in looking at the year ahead and planning/prayer for the next ten years. Come back to this page every 2 – 3 months to explore helps and ideas for Completing the Task.


November, 2023

We begin this adventure with God, the One who is the great mover and shaker and initiator. In fact, the Celtics referred to the Holy Spirit as the Wild Goose. So we begin this year, these ten years, by learning more how to listen to Him and hearing what He has to say. In much of our prayers, we are the speaker. We speak and God hears us, and that is great and wonderful. But a relationship needs to be two way so we also need to learn to listen more. In three places in the gospels, we are commanded to “listen to Him.” (Matthew 17: 5; Mark 9: 7, Luke 9: 35) Following are some resources to help us learn to do that better.


God Guides by Mary Geegh (

Learning to Hear God (Two Listening Exercises) by Dallas Willard, Trevor Hudson, and Brian Morykon – Download a free pdf at

Hearing God by Dallas Willard

Whisper: How to Hear the Voice of God by Mark Batterson

Invitation to Silence & Solitude by Ruth Haley Barton

Listening Prayer by Leanne Payne

The Art of Listening Prayer by Seth Barnes



We also need to learn more about cultures in our world today, and especially that people and God are on the move. Read this Lausanne paper: “People on the Move“. Here’s also a brief video about Lausanne.


Evangelism Masterclass: While we are praying and planning, let’s not forget about reaching out to those around us. This free masterclass will teach/show us how to do so with wisdom & compassion in a changing culture. Click & let Kevin Palau & Ed Stetzer introduce you to it today.

December, 2023


This month I will introduce you to two items that I encourage you to get email or mail subscriptions to and then I will give you a sample from each. Then next month, I will give you another two items for you to subscribe to. They are that good. This month I will also point you to a course that will set a solid foundation for finishing the task. But if you haven’t already done something in the above listings for November, please start there. Listening to God is where it all begins. Brigada is a growing collection of web- and email-based resources staged from the offices of Team Expansion in Louisville, Kentucky, USA. The weekly Brigada Today web journal offers resources, mission trends, motivation, strategy tips, tools & “hacks” to Great Commission Christians.

Check out the World Prayer Network


Mission Frontiers – Mission Frontiers is the bi-monthly magazine of Frontier Venture, formerly The U. S. Center for Frontier Missions. It is highly recommended reading to keep informed of what various aspects of the unreached and least reached peoples of the world.

Partnering with God: Prayer as a Crisis Response


Perspectives on the World Christian Movement

Perspectives is an awe-inspiring comprehensive study course that is rooted in the Scriptures and has impacted over 250,000 alumni. It s also a global movement that is awakening the Body of Christ to pursue the fulfillment of God’s global purpose within every people group for His glory. Find classes which begin soon all over the country.


January 2024


Welcome to the New Year and more Helps for the Task. As I’ve explained before, these helps are given to enable us to move ahead toward completing the task of the Great Commission which was the theme of our 2023 conference.


Evangelical Missions Quarterly

The Evangelical Missions Quarterly is released each year in January, April, July, and October. Geared toward missionary practitoners, EMQ provides a forum for the exchange of concepts, strategies, and ideas. Each issue includes 8–10 articles, 8–10 book reviews, and occasional featured articles including Editorial and Missiographics.

The October – December 2023 edition concentrates on the theme of healthcare as an open door to areas of the world that otherwise are closed to the gospel. Explore some possibilities and ideas here for your church and/or agency.


Missions Catalyst

Missions Catalyst is a free, weekly email digest designed to inspire and equip Christians worldwide for global ministry. We’ve been curating and creating content for you for more than 25 years.Use Missions Catalyst to fuel your prayers, find tips and opportunities, and stay in touch with how God is building his kingdom all over the world.


Here’s the website version for you to explore. I then encourage you to subscribe at the links above!!!


Idea to Stimulate Personal or Corporate Prayer

I just completed a 365 day devotional called Magnificent Prayer by Nick Harrison. It both challenged and encouraged me more than any other book on prayer that I’ve read over the years. I discovered it just passed midyear of 2022 so when I got to the end of that year, I kept reading it for all of 2023. Well worth it!!! It spurred me to spend 2024 really concentrating on further developing my prayer life and I chose 3 books from the list he recommended at the end of Magnificent Prayer. I encourage you to do the same!!!