The purpose of Missions Fest Seattle is to glorify God by raising the awareness of mission activity within Christ’s body of believers and by uniting and empowering members of local congregations to work together in obedience to the Great Commission. (Matthew 28:19-20)

What is Missions Fest Seattle

Missions Fest Seattle (MFS) is an annual multi-church sponsored event that exists to inform and excite Christians about what God is doing around the world for the purpose of involving them in the Harvest.

When is the event?

The conference for 2023 will be held November 3 – 4, beginning at 4:00 pm Friday and ending at 6:30 pm on Saturday.

Where is the conference held at?

Every year MFS is held at one of our partnering churches. The MFS team considers sanctuary and seminar rooms, parking, location, and availability. For 2024, the conference will be at Highlands Community Church, 3031 NE 10th St, Renton, WA.

What is the Theme for Missions Fest Seattle?

“Persecution, Prayer, & Courage”

Why Registration?

Beginning this year, we are asking you to register for Missions Fest Seattle. Other mission conferences have done this for years. We are doing so because we need a better way to count the number of people attending the conference so that we might better serve the needs of the Body of Christ in Seattle and work together to further expand the Kingdom of God. Your name and email will remain with Missions Fest and not shared with any one else. Also, you will receive no more than one email per month except for the two months prior to the conference. Thank you for your assistance!

Who should attend?

Everyone who likes to know what’s going on around the world and cares about God’s Kingdom being advanced on earth.

Churches: Become a partnering church.

Exhibitor/Agency/Ministry: Visit the Exhibitor page for details.

Seminar Presenters: Visit the Seminar Presenter page for details.

Individuals, families, and small groups: The entire program is volunteer-based. We would love to have you join our team. See the volunteer page for details.

Is there a fee to attend?

Absolutely not! The conference is free to attend but you will need money to buy food and beverages. We do take an offering at each plenary session to help with expenses.

Will there be pre-conference options again this year?

On Friday during the day, there will be a program for students who are mostly home-schooled or attending Christian schools. This “Friday Field Trip” provides an educational opportunity for the students that takes the place of their normal school curriculum. Registration is required although there is no cost, and students bring their own lunches.

Also on Friday, from 10:30 am to 6:00 pm, there will be a seminar for pastors & mission leaders interested in more in-depth information related to missions. Registration is required and there is a cost to attend.

Will there be food available on site?

Yes, and it’s healthy and tasty. Cafe Pacific will have meals for sale both Friday and Saturday. Coffee and tea are for sale at the church’s coffee bar.