02 Aug Mission Moment – Summer Storm
On a warm Summer day in Massachusetts in 1806, 5 students from nearby Williams College met in a meadow to discuss missions and prayer. Their meeting was soon interrupted by a storm, from which they took shelter in a nearby Haystack. As the thunder crashed and the lightning flashed around them, these young men felt a stirring from the Lord. It was as if God was using the storm to get their attention and call them to missions. This group of 5 was soon joined by others and within a few years, they had formed the first official foreign mission society in America and they were soon sending missionaries around the world. Within fifty years, they had sent out over 1250 missionaries! Many prominent mission organizations today trace their roots to that original mission society which shaped modern missions. Next time you wonder how you can be of use to God, remember that he used a summer storm and 5 college students to launch one of the greatest mission movements in history!
This Mission Moment is presented by Missions Fest Seattle. Join us for our annual free mission conference Oct. 13 and 14 at Westminster Chapel in Bellevue.
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